February 9, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
I’ve had enough. I have to speak my mind on the topic of so called “man-made” climate change. I won’t boast about my degree in Meteorology, or the fact that I went to one of the top schools for meteorology in the country. I won’t boast that one of my world renown professors in school is a skeptic. I won’t boast that one of my good friends and old colleague of mine works for NASA.
What I do want to do is speak from my heart with the understanding that I have a little experience in the field. I guess I am so passionate about this topic because I never thought I would see the day my science would be completely corrupted by politics. Day after day I read the news…the end of the world is near so you better quit driving your car! Shut down the coal plants! The sky is falling! The exclamation is followed by impressive graphs showing the warming temperatures and data set points so it has to be true!
I see 2 groups that benefit from this analysis of the atmosphere.
- The liberal elite that are using this technique for power over people.
- The everyday environmentalist that want to put us back in the dark ages for fear of ruining our planet.
I can hear it now…Arch Kennedy does not care about the Earth. Quite the contrary. I recycle. I never litter. And I am all for green energy….that is…affordable green energy.
My biggest problem is this. Can there not be someplace in the middle as far as the “truth” about climate change? I just do not believe that man has that much power to control atmosphere. Could it be possible that man has something to do with it? Sure. But I don’t believe it is to the catastrophic extreme that the global warming enthusiasts are saying.
As a meteorologist, I know that there are thousands of physical parameters that go into a computer model. Your data input comes from National Weather Service stations sending up balloons miles apart. So right there, you are already starting out the model with error for lack of data over “x” amount of miles along the Earth’s surface. This is why you don’t see forecast very accurate past 48 hours much less weeks or months or even years out. So that being said, how can you say without a shadow of a doubt that man is causing the end of the world in 10 or 20 years from now? Or for that matter, how do you know the models showing “warming” are really going to be that accurate? The old joke about the weatherman never getting the 5 day forecast right always comes to mind.
There is too much uncertainty in forecasting to say “without a doubt” man is causing climate change and we are headed for catastrophic events. Anyone with logic or reason could not think this way.
Bottom line: We should always try to keep as clean an Earth as we can, but to go to extremes and cripple our nation’s economy based on an inexact science is a dangerous thing to do. We have a lot of “noise” out there online and we are living in a day of misinformation where it is hard to know what is fact and what isn’t. I am simply asking you to think about this topic logically and with reason and to entertain the thought that there might be some kind of middle ground. The “fact” is…climate does change. And maybe, just maybe, man doesn’t have much to do with it at all.
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