February 22, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
More and more it looks like people are getting aboard. I have never seen anything like it in all my life. Who would have thought? But then again, who would have thought we would be uttering the words President Ronald Reagan in 1940 when he was winning “one for the Gipper“? Times change and so does the political landscape.
I have to say, in the beginning of this campaign season, Donald Trump was comic relief and I didn’t take him too seriously. He made outlandish statements and we all thought…at least he is bringing important subjects to the forefront!
But he stayed ahead through Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, and we began to realize Trump is for real. He isn’t going anywhere. So why is this? He is consistent and he is consistent on big issues that matter to a lot of Americans. Immigration, the economy, and islamic attacks are the biggest concern for American voters today. And The Donald is the only one that makes us truly feel secure that he will handle these issues.
He has his haters to be sure. But where is the hate really coming from? Are we letting our feelings get in the way here? Is he too harsh for our taste? Obviously the “tone” is not a problem for many. He continues to soar in the polls ahead of the other Republican candidates. And look at his website. All of his positions are strong conservative ones. So my opinion continues to evolve on this “phenomenon“. I mean, how many people have you seen literally change the landscape of a whole political party?
Another big reason for his success is that he is beholden to no one. I think Americans are really tired of career politicians and feel that they are completely out of touch with their constituents and simply follow the money. I heard a friend say the other day, but, how can you trust Donald Trump? He was a liberal for years and he has no historical political record. Hmmm. Well, I would answer that we knew everyone else’s record and look at the mess we are in! And finally, on questioning his conservatism, I would ask…is it not conceivable to go from moderate liberal to moderate conservative?
Now you are probably thinking I have gotten a ticket for the ride. Not yet, but I have to tell you, I like what the man stands for on the big issues and he has been consistent on them from day 1. Will he hold true to his word? Who the heck knows? How do we ever know that with ANY politician will? I will continue to watch and learn and go with my gut.
ted says
I was against Trump before I was for Trump. A riff on an old political hypocrisy, but in this case it is true. I thought he was a joke at first. BUT THEN I listened to him and his supporters and READ HIS BOOKS. I was quickly convinced when he kept handing the PC Police their asses.
A man surviving the worst lies and attacks a corrupt press, political class, and elite upper class can hand out has got something going on.
He is brilliant and CREATIVE – something the other candidates do not have. Rubio is just an opportunist, and Cruz is a rule follower. Brilliant but will have to rely on others for creative solutions to problems. Trump can instantly recognize and analyze a deal, and know whether it is good or bad. He knows how to hire competent executives. And he genuinely loves all people.
Make no mistake – he is hated by both parties and every consultant and career politician in DC. If Trump des not sew up enough delegates to win outright, look for a nasty nasty brokered convention in which he will not win.
There is too much at stake for the establishment to let Trump be the nominee. Which is why we need him to win.
Julie Clark says
what the establishment STILL fails to see is that this isn’t a “movement”, this is a bona fide UPRISING!
my moment of clarity came when paul ryan and the GOP collectively passed the most recent omnibus bill. for me, it was a glimpse behind the curtain, revealing that the wizard runs both parties. the uprising is against the false left/right, lib/conservative, republican/democrat paradigm. it is an illusion, a fake narrative to make us feel like we belong to a collective. the truth is that the king makers and the big money control BOTH political parties.
every election cycle we vote in conservatives who tell us what we want to hear, but shortly after they arrive to the D.C. castle, they betray us. it seems to me that the most recent betrayals are so utterly bare naked that the puppet masters revealed a little too much and the red flags went up. this time is different because the political and cultural landscape is much more problematic and dangerous, so much so that even folks who are not plugged in to the daily machinations of geopolitics have been awakened from their slumber. we are in mortal danger and the continued betrayal of the GOP has turned into a threat.
i, for one, am willing to bring down the whole system in order to send a message. if the RNC and the GOP have to burn down then so be it. the only ONLY hope is a TRUE outsider in the white house. the mere fact that the democratic and republican establishments are equally unhinged by Trump should tell you all that you need to know. it also signals that they may try something desperate, something violent to maintain the status quo.
Trump has a conceal carry permit (very difficult to get in NY) and wears a bullet proof vest; he knows who he is up against. this man is ridiculously brave to take on the likes of soros.
pray for him. vote for him.