The kid gets it. There is a solution to racism, and it is surely not Identity Politics.
“Identity politics breeds identity politics”, by The Rational Millennial, August 14, 2017:
You’re tribalists, collectivists. You believe that people are defined by the color of their skin, that their identities are wrapped up in the nationalities of their ancestors, that some are worthier – of speech, of freedom, of life – than others, not based merit but on birth.
Notice that the above statement applies to both the Alt-Right and the far-Left, both white-supremacist neo-Nazis and “Anti-Fascist” communists.
Why? Well, because you, the Alt-Right and the far-Left, aren’t actually on two opposite sides of the political spectrum. You share the same ideology. You have the same underlying philosophy. You’re just on different teams.
You’re both tyrants. Neither of you is any better than the monster you claim to be fighting. You’re worse, because you pervert the only real opposition to it.
You’re both snowflakes who can’t possibly bear to hear opinions you don’t like – oh, the horror! You’re both social justice warriors who reject actual justice in favor of group-justice.
It’s a collectivist ideology you share.
And it’s called identity politics.
You, the Alt-Right, how dare you wave an American flag next to a swastika and a Confederate flag. The former represents an evil empire that waged war on the United States, and the latter is, quite literally, the opposite of patriotism.
“Many sides” are not to blame for this specific act of terror. You are. And I hope your movement will now die a painful death because of it. That’s called justice.
Now as for you, the Left, the more you continue to label every Trump supporter, conservative, libertarian or even classical liberal – like Dave Rubin for God’s sake! – as a member of the Alt-Right, the more ordinary Americans will turn to it, thinking “alt-right” just means you voted for Trump and think memes are funny.
Of the 60 million Americans, including me, who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, many voted for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or Ben Carson in the primaries.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, of the 2.6 million anti-Semitic tweets targeting journalists in the year leading up to the election, two-thirds of them came from a mere 1,600 accounts. Their number one target? A Jewish conservative.
The real Alt-Right is a very specific group of evil people with a very specific anti-American philosophy. They support centralized government. They’re pro-abortion for the purpose of “ethnic cleansing.” They hate the state of Israel. They hate the American Constitution, and most of all, they openly despise conservatism.
You want to know why you got a President Trump in the first place? Because you said the same things about him that you said about Mitt Romney, one of the most decent people in American politics. You branded an entire group of people as racists without any actual evidence. You played the dangerous game of identity politics, and people – some good, some bad – rejected you.
We, the Real Right, seem to be the only ones who understand what this battle truly is.
It’s not a battle between two opposing (but ideologically identical) teams. The great political divide of all of history has been the battle between individualism and collectivism. And sadly, given the perpetually depraved state of human nature, collectivism has, for most of human history, been the reigning victor.
Collectivism is the philosophy behind Nazism. It is also the philosophy behind communism, behind fascism and all forms of totalitarianism that have ever appeared on this earth.
We, the Real Right, seem to be the only ones who understand that the only cure to identity politics and the racist disease that it breeds is individualism, the natural rights philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We, the Real Right, oppose leftist identity politics because we oppose identity politics, not just because we don’t like their identity politics. We oppose leftist collectivism because we oppose collectivism. We oppose leftist big government because we oppose big government. And if you resort to the same principles, if you resort to identitarianism, collectivism, and lawless big government, we will oppose you.
Because it is not you, the person, we oppose but your evil ideology.
If racism is ever to be defeated, it cannot be defeated with more racism. If collectivism is ever to be defeated, it cannot be defeated with more collectivism. If evil is ever to be defeated, it cannot be defeated with more evil.
It can only be defeated through individualism, justice, and truth.
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