Do you ever feel like some people are living in an alternate universe or some delusional fantasyland? I am speaking of democrats, of course. As I scroll through the lies and deceit of the day, the hypocrisy of the left continues to astound me. Specifically, I am talking about three groups in particular: Hollywood actors, Black NFL players, and gay democrats.
First of all, Hollywood really needs to keep their mouths shut. Seriously. Today’s headline is: Eminem attacks Trump on his response to the deadly Charlottesville protest, the NFL anthem kneeling and response to Puerto Rico. That is your opinion, Marshall Mathers! It doesn’t make it true. Now that we have social media, they all feel the need to express their political opinions. The problem is, they have nothing to back up their claims except hurt feelings. Actors voice their anger at the very system that made them millions of dollars and allows them a glorious life of abundance. But they are still angry.
Now, let’s talk about the NFL and NBA. According to Wikipedia, Blacks accounted for 75% of players in the National Basketball Association near the end of 2008. According to the latest National Consortium for Academics and Sports equality report card, 65% of National Football League players were Black. The average salary of NFL player: $2 million a year while the average salary of NBA player: $5 million a year. Oh, how I would like to be oppressed as much! So, Colin Kaepernick is angry about the killings of Blacks by law enforcement. The liberal Huffington Post has a number of 39 unarmed Blacks killed by police last year. No one has a number on how many of that 39 are unjustified murder. Ok, so having a family member in law enforcement, I know that every unjustified killing by a police officer is heavily judged in the court of law. Next!!!
Finally, gay democrats need to get off the victimhood as well. I came out at 18 years old so I know the gay community. Is there bigotry? Yes, but there is bigotry in every group. I have been just fine. And, believe me, most gays have very charmed lives with a lot of disposable income especially since most have no children. Of course, some choose to have kids but those are rare and a minute number. So the victimhood is unwarranted. Move on, you can get married now!
Are there individual cases of racism, hate crimes, etc.? Of course! But these cases don’t represent an extreme amount that democrats complain about. And while they are doing this, they are alienating good conservative Americans who are never going to make millions and reap the wonderful benefits this great country has given them the opportunity to have. But do you see these regular folks complaining? No. Because we conservative, average Americans are not victims and believe in and love the country that gives you the right to spew your fallacious claims of inequality and oppression.
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