January 28, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
I don’t have to tell you. This election cycle is so bizarre! Democrats have no diversity. Republicans have all of the diversity. A self proclaimed socialist actually is a viable candidate. Republicans hating on each other. And then…there’s Donald J. Trump. He is both loved and hated on both sides of the isle. Who would have thought he would have remained number one in the polls this long? I wouldn’t have.
Listen, I have not even remotely made my decision on a candidate yet, but I can certainly see where he gets his appeal. Americans are sick of the Establishment, yes, both Democrats and Republicans in D.C. We have been been pandered to by politicians over and over and over again, while they only answer to the money. They are beholden to the ones with the biggest wallets. We aren’t stupid and Trump knows this as well.
Trump only answers to Trump. This is how you can pinpoint exactly what his next move will be. That being said, it is no wonder he is backing out of the Iowa GOP debate and holding his own Veterans event, which is sure to steal the other candidates’ thunder. His “war with Fox News” and Megyn Kelly has not only shown that he knows how to keep himself newsworthy, but also that he is in control of the media. He owns them. The question is, will this gamble pay off for the Donald?
Also, I find it very interesting that the country is so sick of political correctness that some are willing to sacrifice some of their political principles just to get someone in office that “says what they mean, and means what they say”! No sugarcoating here. You know where you stand with Trump and whether you like him or not, there is an appeal to that with many people. Does that win him the presidency? God only knows with this election! But, one thing is for sure. It will be a roller coaster of a ride.
To Trump or Not to Trump??? That’s the Republican Question. I have to agree, he is quite the conundrum for the Conservatives. I am a Ted Cruz person, myself. However, I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t tell you that there’s a little piece of me, being a “New Yawker” that doesn’t feel excited to have a President that would tell the Ayatollah’s, “Get Outta here.” The other thing about Trump is his tenacity. While I have read about how he took over his father’s business, money, etc., anyone who is familiar with NY Real Estate will tell you that you will be eaten up and spit out within a year, millions or not, unless you know what you are doing and are one hell of a negotiator. It is one of the most difficult and expensive Cities in the world to do Realty Transactions.. Not only all the “deals” but the incredible layers of Government, legalities, Quid pro Quos and so on.. You cannot do that on luck, you need brains and brawn. I also admire Trump’s tenacity. He sets a goal, and then he becomes a steam roller. The man was a laughing stock Candidate to start, but just like his sky scrapers bearing his name, he built it and they came. I would feel like we could be “winning” again if he became President. The fact he is so not politically correct is very appealing and would benefit this Country’s reputation and economy. Imagine a President acting only on America’s behalf? The fact that it is such a foreign notion as an American to think your President would do that is really something to ponder as Citizens of the USA, after all, isn’t that what a President should do, put our people first always???! So…while I’m not a fan of the debate debacle (I think he should have went), I believe we could have a very good President in Trump, and so if Cruz doesn’t get the Nomination, I can honestly say that if I have to pull my lever for Donald Trump, it won’t be that difficult for me, I might even enjoy it!
For me, making these decisions has never been that difficult. I always gravitate towards the candidates whom I believe will best honor, protect and defend the Constitution – a document which is genius in its simplicity and which practically all elected “public servants” swear to protect and defend.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a candidate for whom I’ve really been excited to cast my ballot. From what I can determine, he’s uncompromising in his principles and has stated that he’s a Christian first, an American second and a conservative third. I like a guy who has his priorities in order. The fact that his priorities align with my own is why I’m voting for Ted Cruz.