March 2, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
I was reading several articles today on the increased illegal aliens migrating north from Mexico over the past few months. It doesn’t take brain surgeon to realize why. They are scared of a Trump presidency in 2017! Whether he gets in office or not, Trump has, at the very least, sparked conversation about a problem that has been growing for years now….illegal immigration.
What continues to baffle me is that for some reason that word “illegal” seems to be left out of liberal media stories these days. Not that I am defending Trump, but he has stated from day 1 that it is the “illegal” immigrants that he will take care of with “A Wall“. Frankly, I think this is one of the biggest reasons for his rising poll numbers and staying consistently ahead of the other Republican candidates. Gallop polls continue to show that immigration, the economy, and dissatisfaction with government are the biggest concerns of Americans in 2016. Trump seems to be the strongest on these issues along with not being a government guy in the first place.
Back to illegal immigration. Am I allowed to call it that now? Or does it have to be “undocumented immigrants“? But I digress. Interestingly, illegals have been interviewed and they actually fear not being able to get into the country next year or being deported. All I have to say is, it’s about time! And the fear is not all because of Trump either. It’s coming from the possibility of a Cruz presidency as well. Ted Cruz has made quite a stance on immigration himself, stating that he will send the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants back home when he is in office.
The bottom line is, we need a President with some backbone to take care of the issue and it is a big issue. Not only for the security of our great country, but for the economy as well. To my opposition, I would ask this question: What is so wrong with enforcing our country’s laws and having people come in “legally“? Open borders don’t work. I think we have seen that in Europe. Without a border, you have no country. And without the United States of America, the world will be in a mess, folks.
C ayers says
I would suggest that the Islamic invasion is also illegal and needs to be addressed.