March 28, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
I live in Georgia and our governor just vetoed the “Pastor Protection Act” or HB 757 today, and I was pretty sure he would. Basically, the bill just protected pastors that do not want to perform gay marriage from having to get in a lawsuit, which could easily happen with a militant gay couple wanting to prove a political point. We already know about the gay wedding cake fiasco. And yet, the gays will not be happy until they get their way with everything including religion. We have had years of those dreadful “Christians” telling us we are going to hell and we are abominations! We must get even! We’ll show them! And they are, every inch of the way.
So where will it stop? Are we now telling people how they are to interpret the Bible? Listen, I am gay and have struggled with my homosexuality and still do, 25 years later. It is a question I probably will never get an answer to as I have gotten a wide variety of “opinions” from everyone, including clergy. But the point is, none of us should be imposing our religious views on another person of faith. If a pastor does not agree with homosexuality, who am I to confront him?
Gays are equal now, but who is protecting the Christians? I would argue, no one. We continue to see everyday Americans approval of gay marriage increasing every year and that is great! But, the problem is, Christians seem to be the repressed ones now and I believe this simple bill would have given pastors a little security in a country where secularism is on the increase and people are moving away from God. What I find funny, is that I came out in 1988 and I have to say, I never felt “discriminated” against even back then. Granted, I know that some gay people have faced it. I just don’t believe it to be to the extent so many in the gay community would have you believe. I have been on the receiving end of incredible vitriol from the liberal gay community coming out as a gay, Christian, conservative, so I KNOW the vengeance they have in store…and it is strong.
Open Doors is a human rights organization serving persecuted Christians in more than 60 countries worldwide. They state that 2015 was the “worst year” for Christian persecution. More than 7,100 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons, and 2,400 churches were destroyed or damaged, said Open Doors President David Curry. All of the killings in Middle East countries except for North Korea.
The left will continue to apologize for islam and continue the attacks on Christianity. The funny thing is…I never saw gays killed by Christians in the name of Christ before. And, yet, it is illegal in most muslim countries to be openly gay and, in the rest of them, you are put to death. But hey, let’s get the Christians back for all of those years of oppression! They won’t bake me a cake and my feelings count!
Man I agree with so much of what you say.
Thank you Arch, for sharing some of your thoughts with us.
You bring much comfort to a fellow gay conservative man.
God Bless you, young man.