May 5, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
If ANY gays are still following me, I have a little advice in this video. You can take it, or leave it. I would take it.
Speaker | Author | Activist
May 5, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
If ANY gays are still following me, I have a little advice in this video. You can take it, or leave it. I would take it.
You are so right!! This is now the Progressive Left. Either you agree with us or you are a bigot, intolerant, Xenophonic, racist…fill in the blank. For the party that hates people being identified by race, gender, religion, financial status or sexuality, they sure seem to categorize, box and label the rest of us.
Thanks for being so brave in your views, Arch. It’s cold out here for Conservatives, but it always has been for people who hate big Government and love true freedom.
Would you say that we should be more understanding of racists? What crap.