June 20, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
You’ve got gay marriage. It’s law now. There is no reason for gays to be Democrat anymore. It’s time to support a party that wants to protect us. ALL of us, gay and straight. Islamic terrorism is here in the U.S., and it will only increase if we do not elect a President that will work to make us safe. I talked about why I believe our only choice is Donald Trump today with Rusty Humphries.
Rusty Humphries is host of Trending Today USA, a face paced, news-oriented talk radio show.
I agree, but it’s sad the GOP adopted a platform this week that denies positive recognition of gay marriage, and relies on dangerous non-answers otherwise. It reeks of judgement and they couldn’t find a more irrelevant position. I want to support the Conservative GOP, but it’s getting tiring for some in power to say they don’t want me. What’s your take?