Another win for Republicans last night as Karen Handel took the 6th Congressional District vote in Georgia against Jon Ossoff. It was a true nail biter as the “polls” had them neck and neck leading up to voting day. Karen Handel pulled it off with 52% of the vote to Democrats’ dismay. I believe there are 3 big reasons the Left are losing elections.
1. It isn’t about Trump.
Donald Trump is not the reason for the divisiveness in America. He is a byproduct of fed up Americans who are sick of the status quo in American politics. Yet, Democrats are trying their best to pin everything on Trump. Despite the propaganda floating around out there and the media, the people spoke when they went to the polls.
2. Americans are on to the Establishment politicians.
Americans are very savvy now when it comes to information thanks to the internet. People do not feel like Washington politicians on either side are looking out for their best interest. Trump was born out of this disenchantment. He is a populist and won because even some Democrats felt this same way. This is what put Trump over the edge and won him the election.
3. The old narratives are not working.
You can only get away with lies and false narratives for so long. The fact of the matter is, the old narratives are not working anymore because they don’t exist in 2017. There is no more “white privilege”. Most Republicans are fine with gays and gay marriage. And minorities are actually being held down by liberal political ideology.
If Democrats want to actually have a chance in the midterm elections next year and the Presidential election in 2020, they are going to have to do some real soul searching and get down to actual policy and explaining why their ideology makes more sense than the conservative approach. Otherwise, they are in for more rude awakenings in the next few years.
Well said…the rhetoric of condescending elitistism is failing. The top down ideology assumes that us boomers have no clout. We are the silent majority that the democrats talk over and around and at but never with…and we are pensively reflective and RESPOND never react. We are weary of the antagonism, divisiveness, viciousness, egoticism, regressivism, selfishness, accusations, resistance, and YAPPING… the incessant yammering is nauseating. Our leaders are NOT statesmen…they have become sensationalists reactionaries…
Short and sweet nailed it, Arch.