It is no secret that conservatives are being censored by Silicon Valley. I have had my share of censorship on Facebook and Twitter, but I believe this era of their social media dominance is coming to an end pretty soon. No company stays on top forever. Remember Blockbuster?
The point is, you cannot stifle free speech forever before it comes back to bite you. So far it has worked but we are in a different age now. With the internet, conservative media companies have sprung up revealing just how liberal the mainstream media is. If you watch elections, you see how close many races are. There is a reason for that. Half the country is conservative! That being said, we are starting to see other social media companies WHO BELIEVE IN FREE SPEECH springing up now and gaining followers at a rapid rate. CEO Andrew Torba recently put out a post: “ is growing. No brakes!” And, he’s right! The graph below shows total Gab users has DOUBLED in just the last year.
Picture Courtesy of Gab
Torba’s profile states: “I’m fighting for a better internet that puts people first and promotes free speech for all.” This is something ALL Americans should agree with, INCLUDING liberals. For, without free speech, you have no freedom. I do believe that many everyday democrats feel this way too, I could be wrong.
Another up and coming social media site is, whose platform is a bit different than Gab, but also promotes the concept of “Free Speech” for all. In their “about” section, MeWe touts: “MeWe is where you can be authentic and uncensored, the way you are in your real life.”
We all, of course, remember the infamous Milo Yiannopoulos’ banishment from Twitter a while back. Now, the up and coming conservative journalist Laura Loomer has been the latest victim of Twitter banishment and that has really riled up her conservative followers. She had built up a following of more than 250,000. Then, Laura had her blue check removed during the midterm elections and was finally completely silenced when she started getting a big voice. None of what she ever stated was false, but it was at times “politically incorrect” which we all know goes against Twitter’s “community standards”. Insert eye roll here.
So I ask ALL AMERICANS. Are you sick of the totalitarian approach of the social media giants yet? Do you truly want free speech for all? I do. Without it, we are not a free people.
Great article Informative and eye opening.
Bring up these Conservative platforms and I will switch in a heartbeat……… have my e-mail address ……let me know and make it happen. Please hurry… The DEEP STATE MUST ABOLISHED.
There are many countries that are desperate for change. Q sent me.
As my article states, we already have them. Gab and MeWe. See article for link to both.
Arch, great blog! I’m so sick of twitter and their conservative censorship. I lost 6K followers yesterday. They were not bots because I’m very careful. Its only been A few weeks since they deleted 3k followers. I find the more I speak out the more followers I’m losing. Its time for all conservatives to find another platform and leave Twitter in the dust!
It will be wonderful if this happens! It is heartbreaking that most Americans fell for PC rhetoric years ago and now our free speech is being stifled! Who would have ever thought this could happen in America?!
I was punished on both Twitter and FB! The one day suspension on Twitter never told me specifically what the problem was! And the warning I got on FB.was silly. They thought I was using aggressive language! Funny part, the language was directed at me and a fictional character in a movie. The nadir of PC!
Thanks Arch, great thoughts to ponder and propel us forward.
These big digital companies think they have power and they do!
They think they can abuse that power and they do.
They think the can implement their will but they will NOT!
Americans are free and we will not be controlled, herded, manipulated, or silenced – not as a free people!
They will fail and more, they will fade away, hopefully as a lesson to others with such vain aspirations..
I have been pro-Trump for years, but recently have a couple of concerns. One involves social media censorship which he has stated over and over that he is against it. However, I just learned that inside of the USMCA that he just signed is language that protect them from liability for their censorship! I’m confused why he would sign this? As a successful businessman, he is used to contracts so I do not believe he didn’t fully read it and know it was in there.
Article 19.17 of the trade agreement gives tech companies immunity from any lawsuits arising from actions taken to “restrict material it considers to be harmful or objectionable.”
Section 230 has a provision that will make it nearly impossible for their legal immunity from any lawsuit that arises out of their censorship practices to be taken away because once ratified by all 3 nations, it would also take all 3 agreeing to amend it! And there is NO WAY Canada would ever do that.
Can you look into this? I’m gravely concerned about both the agreement and also how it will affect the way Trumps base sees him. Have we been fooled? Or is there a larger plan here?
Facebook and Twitter are a part of the illuminati.Hey love love de