FACT: Male homosexuality is illegal and it is punishable by imprisonment in the Islamic countries of Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, Qatar, and Syria. It is punishable by DEATH in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE. In Yemen or the Palestinian territories the punishment may defer between death and imprisonment. It depends on the act committed.
And yet, Owen Jones, the FAR LEFT British “journalist”, pleads with the gay community to stand by our muslim friends simply because of their minority status while disregarding the facts above on the treatment of gays under Sharia Law. Owen has a lot of learning to do on this matter.
Picture Courtesy of WaPo
Owen Jones is a British far-left political commentator and “journalist.” I use these terms very loosely, given his love of name-calling in lieu of substance to his ramblings. Jones has long been an advocate for the LGBT community to stand up and throw their support behind Islam. Owen likes to toss around words like ‘bigot’, ‘neo-nazi’, ‘gammon faces’ (which is a very racist term for white people), ‘far right’, and ‘politics of hate’, etc. These are all buzzwords that whip his Antifa-adoring, Palestine flag-flying followers into a paranoid delusional state where they see Nazis lurking behind every corner. He likens the experiences of the Muslim community to Jews fleeing Hitler. In a recent article, he writes that “Members of the LGBT community must stand behind under-fire Muslims.” The case he’s pleading for is that the ‘far-right’ are on the rise across Europe, and Muslims are now their target, and he’s saying that it’s a virtual blueprint of what happened to persecuted Jews. He’s ignoring the fact that when a community sheltered a Jew in the attic, for example, they were shielding that person from harm and risking own lives in the process. Across Europe, from Bataclan to Strasbourg, we’re seeing Muslims being sheltered by their community, but not because they’re victims, but because they are terrorists, and the community values them and wants to protect them. It’s the polar opposite of what happened to Jews. Jews weren’t exploding their way across Europe, gunning people down and ramming their trucks into crowds of innocent pedestrians. The parallel is a false one.
Owen is also typically ignoring the mass exodus of Jews from Europe because of the influx of Muslims and anti-Semites who are settling and developing here. He is aligned with the Labour party and Momentum, both of whom have a long history of anti-Semitic MPs, members and supporters, and this continues within the left in the UK to this day. I find it unfathomable that Owen will use the example of persecuted Jews simply because it fits in with his agenda of using victimhood as currency for any group or cause that he can use which ties in with his political agenda. Owen has been highly critical of Israel since his university days, and he considers Palestine to be occupied. For someone who is so concerned about Jewish persecution, you’d almost be forgiven for imagining that the same person wouldn’t object to this minority having a land or a safe space that they can call home, a place that was their ancestral home for thousands of years.
Owen’s naive point is that gays, as a minority group, have a duty and responsibility to support other minority groups (whilst avoiding Jews, who truly are a minority group). Ideological and cultural differences don’t enter Owen’s mind when he’s rallying for Palestine and Islam. If he’s aware of it, he’d most likely point out that Iran partially finances and carries out more sexual reassignment operations than anywhere else in the world, second only to Thailand. This, to Owen, would look progressive. He’d overlook, or be oblivious to, the fact that being gay in Iran is a sin punishable by death, and that your only alternative is to get a sex change (being trans, according to Islam, is a mental health disorder). He will embrace anyone except those who disagree with him. He has very famously avoided a debate with a gay, right-leaning political commentator, journalist, and author, Douglas Murray. He knows that Douglas would tear him apart during any debate where logic and a coherent thought process were demanded. And while claiming to be all-embracing of the LGBT community, Owen is quite happy to shun Douglas, because Douglas is not the right kind of gay that fits in with Owen’s left-wing agenda. But doesn’t Douglas also bleed red blood if you cut him, Owen?
People such as Owen really do need to stop likening every act of bias or prejudice against any minority group to the experience of Jews living under a Nazi regime. Of course, it’s not nice being the victim of prejudice, but it’s not helpful, and it’s insulting to the people who have lost forefathers to a genocide to constantly say that every experience, no matter how large or small, is the same as that of a Jewish person in a concentration camp. The children of Jews, first and second generation, whose parents or grandparents were held in concentration camps suffer trauma to this day. I sat in on a meeting with adult Jewish men and women whose relatives were killed or tortured, and I remember one man giving a speech and saying that it takes three generations to get rid of the trauma that is in the survivors’ systems. One woman bravely recounted how her sister took her own life here in the UK because of the horror stories that were running through her blood, told to her over and again by a traumatized mother since childhood. She had never been persecuted, but the nightmares and the survival guilt that she felt were too much for her to cope with. How could she live when her relatives had suffered so much, and in some instances died?
Muslims in the UK today, if they are experiencing any kind of stereotyping and prejudice, are nothing like Jews being held in concentration camps. Say something to a Muslim, and he or she will run to the police and have you arrested because they have been ‘offended’, and you’ll find yourself with a criminal record of being a racist. If he or she is in a gang, then you can expect violence in the name of Muhammad. Crime waves are up, and the UK police care more about people’s hurt feelings than they do about actual real-life crimes. Attending to people’s emotions isn’t the business of the police; it’s for your mother or husband or psychiatrist to take care of. Or perhaps the offended people could all learn to self-soothe – infants learn to self-soothe as they get taken off their pacifiers. If infants can do it, then so can adult Muslims and social justice warriors. The UK has anti-discrimination laws, and agencies in place to ensure that those laws are upheld and applied to everyone. The LGBT battle has been fought and won (with the exception that they now want religious weddings and are attempting to bully their way into the church), but as with Muslims, the LGBT are not happy with equal rights. They want special and preferential rights over everyone else. Both groups bully our language, speech, and attempt to rearrange the way we see the world. From bathroom laws to blasphemy laws, this bullying by Muslim groups and the political arm of the LGBT is nothing more than the minority trying to get the majority to bend to its will.
Wendy says
Owen Jones you are going to get the Gay Community killed by misleading them about Muslim acceptance of their Gay minority status. The Countries like Iran sentence Gay people to Death.
Why aren’t you telling them the truth?
You phony!!!