A couple of days ago, Lindsey Graham asked President Trump to re-open the Government for three weeks to negotiate a border security and wall package. In exchange, Graham and Senate Republicans promised to back Trump if after three weeks the request for the wall is not funded by Congress.
President Trump agreed to that today and it is brilliant. Here is why. President Trump will direct the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall under the National Emergencies Act. The Democrats will freak out and want to stop him. The mechanism to stop him is not the courts, it is a joint resolution of both houses of Congress.
Because Trump opened the Government at the request of the Senate Republicans there is no way a vote to stop him in the Senate will happen. This will leave the House passing resolution after resolution that will never be taken up in the Senate.
The Democrats will go to the courts demanding an injunction to stop it. They will likely get one from a lower court, but the wall will be finished or almost finished by then. The lower court will be overturned.
The American people don’t like the government shutdown. They will not be upset with the Army Corps of Engineers using existing funds to build a wall. The spectacle in the House along with the court battles to stop it are bad optics.
All the many thousands of Democrats running for President will be enhancing the bad optics by running left on border security to please the AOC wing of the party. This will define the Democrats correctly for open borders and add to the narrative that the Democratic Party as an extreme radical socialist party. Brilliant play Mr. President!
Bravo!! Mr. President!!!! You are the best ! I knew you would protect us God Bless You All the American people should appreciate all you endure the dems are nuts!
Awesome Mr President. So glad we voted for you and continue to make us proud!
God Bless you Mr. President. You’re awesome. You’re doing an awesome job. Best President we’ve had in 50 years. The only President we’ve had that did exactly what was promised. Prays are going up for you constantly.
Please be true.
The art of the deal no doubt. You anchor down then you compromise then you look like your willing to give but the opponent looks weak if they don’t deal. They pretend they force his hand but we all know he gave in for the the. Good of the country ! MAGA
Proud of you Mr President!!! Stand with you 100% #BuildtheWALL
It may be built but there are lots of hurdles! You just can’t take over private property without going to court! Someone smarter than me said it could take several years to get the court cases settled…Time will tell! Until then, hang on it’s going to get worse before it gets better!
Go for it Mr. President.! We are so proud of you and stand behind you. We need a wall and must not give up on it. We understand you had to get people paid and back to work. Don’t let Nancy and Chuck wear you down. Who are they working for? It’s not the American People!! But you are!! Ever Onward!!