Rachel Maddow will go down in history as the most consequential journalist in the Trump era, but not in a positive way. She is the reason so many people believe the false Russian collusion & Trump is corrupt narratives.
Only days after Trump’s inauguration she was in tears saying Trump was controlled by Putin. She kept going with that narrative and her MSNBC colleagues dutifully did their part. Maddow & Co poisoned their audience with Trump Derangement Syndrome making them unable to see the truth about Trump and his unfolding record of achievement. MSNBC with Maddow in the lead gave Fox News & Hannity a run for their money in cable news ratings race in 2018 into early 2019.
Maddow & MSNBC ratings ascension came to a grinding halt in March of 2019 after the Mueller report was released. The MSNBC audience anticipated the Mueller Report would be proof of all the claims made by Maddow & Co for the past 2 years. The exact opposite happened and Maddow”s rating plummeted by 20%. The rest of the MSNBC saw similar declines.
A year later Fox News ratings are up 38% from the same period last year. Maddow & MSNBC are up 1% from the same period last year where their ratings had fallen by 20%. This is why Maddow does not want Trump’s briefings to be televised. The briefings like the Mueller Report exposes her lies.
Trump is enjoying a 60% approval rating for the way he is handling the Coronavirus crisis. His job approval numbers are at their highest. Trump’s daily briefings are driving these numbers. People who do not like or support Trump are not seeing the corrupt, mean, or incompetent person they have been told about.
MSNBC and Maddow cannot afford their audience to see the real Trump and have more of their lies exposed. Rachel Maddow has been wrong about everything regarding Trump and his administration. Telling her audience the USNS Comfort was months away from being in NYC only to dock 10 days later is just the latest example of her being wrong. She won’t be fired or face a consequence for her journalism malpractice. Her consequences will come when history is written about the Trump era. She will go down in history as a sad angry person responsible for creating divisions in this country due to her own personal issues. History won’t be kind to Rachel Maddow.
Great post!
People like her need our prayers.
Arch, I absolutely love reading your posts!! You’re always spot on, honest & a wonderful blessing to me!! Maddow is & always has been a miserable person who will never amount to a credible journalist. She’s a hack like all her cohorts!!!! Saying prayers for the haters.
I think she will not go down in history but will be forgotten. There is nothing remarkable enough for her to be remembered in time.
An angry selfish and self centered person that you can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy