It has taken me a couple of days to be able to write this post regarding the debate. After, the first ten minutes it became annoying. I had friends who are Trump supporters messaging me upset. They were worried because Biden was holding his own. Not many Trump supporters and including myself who watched the debate found it to be a pleasant experience. Why?
President Trump has been accused of all sorts of horrible things for the past few years with increased intensity since he won in 2016. His family has been too. I have experienced ridicule, been called names, lost friendships, received death threats, and have been harassed for supporting President Trump. Most outspoken supporters of the President have experienced similar things.
Since the election, it has been Russia, tax returns, financial corruption, Stormy, Charlottesville, kids in cages, sh*thole countries, Kavanaugh, Ukraine, impeachment, COVID, violence in our cities, and endless “gotcha” books. The media pushes all of these narratives reporting only the parts that are negative to the President. They also report flat out lies and ignore exculpatory evidence. Only conservative media reports the truth or the whole story. These attacks are also an attack on us, President Trump’s supporters.
Unfortunately, half of the country does not know the truth. They do not know about Biden’s corruption in Ukraine or the democrat corruption in the Russia hoax. They do not know that Soros backed DA’s are not prosecuting the violent protestors who are democrats. They do not know the truth about COVID. A lot of these stories involve unnamed sources, “whistleblowers”, and others who leak from the shadows.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is one of the most consequential amendments. It addresses equal protection under the law. The confrontation clause gives the accused the right to confront their accuser and the opportunity to cross-examine them. All of this has been thrown out the window in terms of President Trump, his family, administration, and supporters.
We looked at Biden as the accuser and the debate as an opportunity to finally confront the accuser and cross-examine him. He represents all of the whistleblowers, leakers, and unnamed sources that have brought us years of frustration. Biden represents the accuser because all of the fraud that is behind all of these negative Trump narratives is the same fraud that made him the nominee.
Chris Wallace was judge and prosecutor. He denied President Trump and all of us our day in court. Finally, the other half of the country, who only knows what the media tells them, was going to hear our side. That was stopped dead in its tracks. The accuser was not made to answer for Hunter’s corruption in China, Ukraine, and Russia. The accuser didn’t have to answer questions about what he knew about the origins of the Russia investigation. The accuser was not confronted with his own numerous racist statements. The accuser was not forced to admit that he did in fact call Trump’s travel bans racist.
Once again we were denied our day and court. The accuser was still standing. That was the only thing the accuser had to do and the media would take care of the rest. That is why the debate made supporters of the President feel frustrated. November 3rd will be our day in court and pursuit of equal protection under the law can resume in the United States!
Николай says
Last night’s debate and this election is supposed to be about you, Tiffany, about you and all the people I grew up with in Scranton and people in Youngstown and Claymont, Del., and all the people who make a difference. You know — and does any president, does your president understand at all what you’re going through, what so many other people are going through? Question is, does he see you where you are and where you want to be? Does he care — has he tried to walk in your shoes to understand what’s going on in your life or does he just ignore you, and all the folks all over America who are in a similar situation? I’ll always tell you the truth. I’ll always care about you, whether you vote for me or not. If elected, I’m not going to be a Democratic president. I’m going to be an American president. Whether you voted for me or not, I’m going to be your president. And I’ll never forget the people, the working people of this country, because that’s where I’ve come from. And that, if given just half a chance, the American people can do anything.