July 26, 2016 By Arch Kennedy
The Democrat Convention is in full swing and so is the liberal agenda. Tonight you will be introduced to 7 mothers of children who were killed by police and no doubt will hear about the children’s unfair treatment by law enforcement. The “Mothers of the Movement” who support Clinton for president, include the mothers of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Trayvon Martin. You are going to hear the propaganda that law enforcement are out to get the Black man. You are going to hear everyone BUT the “so called” victims are to blame. And, you will hear that guns are a big part of the problem as well.
Now, what is the reality? Are there bad apples out there in law enforcement? Sure there are. But, there are bad apples in every bunch. I would dare to say more in the liberal community than most. But I digress. What we must do as voters and Americans, is not be sucked into false or fake narratives that are deviating from the real issues. I am sure there are many Blacks that truly in their heart believe they are being singled out. And that is exactly what Hillary Clinton and the Democrat elite are appealing to. But, it isn’t reality. And this is continuing to put our law enforcement in harms way on a daily basis.
So what are the real issues? Well, I believe islamic terrorism and the economy. Gallop polls agree with me as well. This is foremost on Americans’ minds.
You will hear tonight that police need to be held accountable and that we must do something about gun control. But, what are the facts? I asked one of my family members this question just the other day. He is in law enforcement and gave me this reply:
“It changes from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In some places it’s a grand jury investigation. In some it’s the prosecutors decision after review. In some it’s a coroners inquest. Either way there is tons of review before a decision is made after the initial investigation.”
So, the bottom line is, cops are HIGHLY accountable for killing a criminal whether justifiably or unjustifiably. Next, they are going to try to work on gun control tonight, which is really just the Democrat’s way of slowly stripping away the Second Amendment completely. The fact is, Federal law requires firearm dealers to perform a background check before selling a firearm. Plain and simple. Federal studies have even shown that people imprisoned for firearm crimes got them by theft or the black market so the very idea of “gun control” is a moot point.
The Democrats have done a very well orchestrated job of defining the narrative. They will have you believe that we need to get rid of guns and that cops are not accountable for what they do. The question is…how will the media handle it? Are they going to let the party define the narrative or will we see true investigation of the topics? That remains to be seen.
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