I am a Christian, conservative, and gay in that order. Christ comes first in my life. That doesn’t sit well with many on the gay left. I found that out all too well when I “came out” as a conservative and then as a Trump supporter. How can I be gay and vote for Trump? I will tell you why!
1. I am pro-life. The Democrat platform supports infanticide. The party has gone so far left that they now, not only support abortion up until birth for any reason, but they also support letting a live aborted baby die on the table.
2. I am pro-2nd Amendment. The Democrats want to take your guns away. No doubt about it. They can water it down all they want by saying they just want stricter gun laws, but the reality is, they want guns gone. Government officials and Hollywood elite get protection. Why shouldn’t everyday Americans be afforded that same protection? If an intruder is coming into my house, the police will not be there in time to save me. I must protect myself.
3. I believe in a “merit-based” LEGAL immigration system. I want a wall. The Pope, Hollywood elite, high government officials all have nice walls for protection. Why shouldn’t everyday American have the same protection? I believe that people wanting to come to our great country should CONTRIBUTE and be assets to society. NOT liabilities for the taxpayer to take care of.
4. I am for capitalism, not cronyism. Both parties have been guilty of this. Trump is shedding light on this and the Deep State hates it. The Democrat Party has been pretty clear that they want a socialist nation. We will NEVER be a socialist nation. Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system. Why change that?!
5. I am for strong national defense. Donald Trump has built back our military that Barack Hussein O diminished greatly. One of the government’s main jobs is the defense of our citizens.
6. I am for America being competitive in the world economically. Trump has expertise in this area for sure and he is putting AMERICA FIRST.
7. I am for making private healthcare affordable. Giving the government control of 1/3 of our economy is one step away from socialism. Have you been to the DMV lately? That will be your doctor visit if Democrats get away with it. Open up competition of insurance companies between states. The competition will bring prices down for consumers.
8. I am for LESS government. According to the Heritage Foundation, Trump has saved taxpayers, $33 billion dollars in deregulation.
9. Trump has launched an effort to end the criminalization of homosexuality worldwide. U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading this effort.
10. And finally, I do not politicize my sexuality like the gay left. Gay liberals’ lives revolve around their sexuality. Mine does not. I am a free thinker and do not have to follow the herd. Conservative principles matter more to me than who I am attracted to and what I do in my bedroom. The VAST MAJORITY of Republicans in 2019 really don’t care who you sleep with. Don’t buy into the Democrat lies anymore!
As we head into the 2020 Presidential election, I want to continue to counter the identity politics game the left is playing. I will be unveiling some big plans coming soon. Stay Tuned!
PAPeg12 says
Such a voice of reason in this world gone mad. I so respect you and your views. Thank you for your courage and convictions.
Glenn Baker says
Me too, Arch Kennedy. Me too.
Robjh1 says
Great logic.
Andreas Morgen says
Facts eloquently stated….I support your cause.
Andrew Brett says
As President of Broward Log Cabin Republicans…I would say 100% of conservative gays embtace your points!!
Dean says
I agree 100 percent
Sherrie says
Oh, Arch you’re truly a remarkable, amazing, awesome & loving human being!!! I’m sorry that liberals are missing out on so much with their rhetoric. I’m still wishing I was your neighbor!! I would truly trust you with my life!! I honestly love you!!!❤️❤️
Paul says
1. I am pro-life. The Democrat platform supports infanticide. The party has gone so far left that they now, not only support abortion up until birth for any reason, but they also support letting a live aborted baby die on the table. This is false. It’s beyond false that it is the Democrat platform. Current law already protects infants, and that Republicans are creating a false narrative about doctors routinely allowing healthy, full-term babies to die, when in fact abortions late in pregnancy are rare and most involve severe fetal anomalies or risks to the life of the mother. Most Democrats believe in the already Constitutionally upheld right for a woman to choose.
2. I am pro-2nd Amendment. The Democrats want to take your guns away. This is false. First, never say Democrats like it’s all Democrats. Second, this is the stupidest thing to go around because no one wants to take all guns away. That’s just not true. Majority of Americans want better background checks, restrictions on assault weapons, and better gun control legislation. That’s not taking all guns away and to say that is trying to create a false fire drill and not allow for actual discussions on the issue. Look at all the children that have died.
3. His opinion, not many others and typical rhetoric talk and ideas not based in actual statistics or principles of our country.
4. Democrats do not want a socialist nation. Again, false narrative based on Fox talking points.
6. Unsubstantiated talking point from Fox. I would not call Trump an expert on world economy. Most economists agree with me on this. The man has had several failed companies and bankruptcies.
7. I’m not sure where he gets this explanation. There are many different plans. Competition unfortunately does not always work and we’ve seen that.
9. This one is laughable. This administration has done a lot to undermine the LGBT progress made in recent years. They have continued to do much harm to our Trans community. I can’t even begin to understand how someone thinks this administration is pro gay. Just one out of hundreds of articles on LGBT.
10. WRONG Most gay people I know are great thinkers and very well read and do research and make up their own minds. I also don’t care of the category of Gay Liberals. Everyone I know goes about their lives working and taking care of their family and friends, paying taxes, doing charity work. Running, working out, eating, etc and don’t just live their entire life to be gay and politicize their sexuality.
Arch Kennedy says
1, Not false. You are wrong. The Democrat party stand for abortion on demand for no reason whatsover. And yes, the platform is to let a live aborted baby die if that is the mother’s wish.
2. Democrats absolutly want to take away guns. That is the end goal.
4. I don’t watch Fox. Democrat party is now completely for socialism. Ask AOC,
6. Again, I don’t watch Fox. I make my own opinions. That is why I am conservative. I am a free thinker unlike democrats. I would rather have Trump handling the economy rather than career politcians who know nothing about the real world and making money.
9. Trans is not gay. Trump has launched a global effort to stop criminalization of homosexuals. I absolutely agree with him on the military issue and transgenders who serve.
10. About 80% of the gay population is HUGELY liberal. Only about 20% of us are free thinkers. I have been out since 18 years old and I am now almost 50.
donald t baldwin says
All of your points are well considered and accurate, Arch.
Arch ducks says
Republicans are free thinkers? L. O. L.
You’re brainwashed.
Margo says
While I am not gay, I am the sister of a gay man and have been a friend to the gay community since 1974. Republicans embrace Capitalism, and knowing how materialistic some folks are, you would would think that would be a plus.
Did you see what Arch wrote about Trump and gays? Not only is he trying to get the ME to stop throwing gays off roofs, he has made meds for HIV available to all. He has also commited to finally getting it cured, He was the first to call Pulse. And he has appointed our first gay ambassador and judge to the 9th.
So, what’s the real reason you hate him? Come on, be honest. Because he has a bad haircut?
As for NPR…………BARF.
Boatsailor594 says
Says the drone who repeats the same TALKING POINTS spewed word for word BY EVERY LEFTEST outlet.
They can’t be bothered to stray from the narrative sent to them from the dnc. It’s hilarious to see you lemmings try to state your lies. It’s just so easy to laugh in your faces. Try again princess !!!%
Roger says
You are as delusional as Rush Limbaugh
Tray says
Excuse me cock roach but it is clear you are out of touch with reality .
Steve says
Well Roger, if your point of view is that Rush is delusional, I’d suggest you refill refill your prescription before reality really starts to bite.
Roger says
Obviously you are as delusional as Rush. Be gone before a house falls on you!
TR says
Ummmm, get off the cross Arch! If you are so “Pro-life”, why are you swallowing all the potential babies or putting them in places not meant to create life??
Margo says
Women swallow them, too. So, shut the hell up.
Ron Carden says
What a stupid comment. BTW, I think Arch is an idiot, but to attack his sexuality with a dumb comment doesn’t do anything but make people wonder what you are fantasizing about.
Roger says
1, You are wrong. It should be a woman’s option whether or not to get an abortion. If you don’t have a uterus, shut up.
2. Democrats do not want to take away guns. They want to stop mass killings which the conservatives have refused to be part of the conversation.
4. You need to learn what socialism means. Have you ever heard of Social Security, Medicare, fire departments, police departments, road maintenance? Those are all, and more are paid for as the result of socialism.
5. Figures you would laugh.
6. If you were a true free thinker, you’d understand what Trump stands for.
9. You are hysterical. You obviously forgot when Trump tried to kick gays out of the military.
10. Bully for you.
Tray says
Well well well the simpleton gives his meaningless opinion . You humor me however at the same time are delusional.
Steve says
Roger’s so far divorced from reality he clearly has no idea what he’s talking about. But hey! He projects his shortcomings with alacrity. So nice of him to step up and make a spectacle of himself for our entertainment!
Roger says
You guys are all so hysterical. Unfortunately the world will go on despite your obvious ignorance of reality. LMAO bitch!
Kim says
You are very correct Arch. President Trump has NOT done anything against the Gay Community. Quite the opposite. I agree with you also that the Democrats want to take away our guns, our rights and shove their perverse vision of America down our throats. One more thing, Trans is NOT gay. If the Liberal Democrats would stop cramming the whoas of the Trans flaunting their junk in front of kids, and the rest of the world they could have continued living their normal lives…privately.
You are a refreshing voice that always speaks in truths. You do not sugar coat things. You speak the truth. Folks like Paul continue to read the Liberal rags and sources and want nothing more than to pound their chests with their “superior” analysis. I appreciate you Arch. Thank you.
Anne-Caroline says
Arch, you’re right on all accounts!
I would like to add the following info, taken directly from the NIH.
While, the occasional politician or news reporter will still indicate that late-term abortions are most often performed in the case of “severe fetal anomalies” or to “save the woman’s life,” the trajectory of the peer-reviewed research literature has been obvious for decades: most late-term abortions are elective, done on healthy women with healthy fetuses, and for the same reasons given by women experiencing first trimester abortions. The Guttmacher Institute has provided a number of reports over 2 decades which have identified the reasons why women choose abortion, and they have consistently reported that childbearing would interfere with their education, work, and ability to care for existing dependents; would be a financial burden; and would disrupt partner relationships.3 A more recent Guttmacher study focused on abortion after 20 weeks of gestation and similarly concluded that women seeking late-term abortions were not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. The study further concluded that late-term abortion seekers were younger and more likely to be unemployed than those seeking earlier abortions.4 It is estimated that about 1% of all abortions in the United States are performed after 20 weeks, or approximately 10 000 to 15 000 annually.
There is essentially no valid medical reason to perform a late term abortion “to save the mother’s life”.
AL Tru says
The Brookings Institute ? LMAO
I’ll vote democrat when Obama gets that $150 BILLION back he gave to Iran.
Comey on up to Obama are going to prison.
Admiral Mike Rogers is a Hero.
I don’t care about orientation/sexuality.
PQ says
Paul- congratulations on the most uneducated post of the day. #LiberalismIsADisease
Steve says
Roger’s giving Paul a run for his money.
Roger says
LMAO!!! You’re hysterical!
Alvaro says
Paul, all I can tell you is that you need to pay better attention.. you are flunking big time. Open your eyes, don’t be a fool.
Noah says
i agree with 99% of what he said surprisingly. President Trump is the glue that brings us together. i wish more would come in line with this mindset.
Chris A Stewart says
So much of this is lies and untrue. Right off the bat, number 1. Totally untrue.
BTW – You can be a conservative and not support Trump.
Tray says
You are brainwashed but then again liberalism is a mental disorder
Michelle says
You state that being a Christian “doesn’t sit well with many on the gay left” you didn’t mention however that it doesn’t sit well with . many non gay Christians either..
ddlargo says
I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980. Never regret it!!!
Yes, I’m queer!
Mary Jones says
Bravo Arch. You have the right to individual beliefs…and do not need to buy into the leftists control of sexuality and gender. True conservative patriots accept everyone’s rights, even if we differ on some points. Stand strong and tall as a Trump supporter….because that is exactly what he is trying to do for you!
Chris D says
Perfect point by point summation, Arch! I’ve gone from voting nearly straight Democrat in 1980 to nearly straight Republican today, for the very reasons you list.
San Diego Boomer Lady says
A voice of reason, Arch. Thanks for your post. People can agree or disagree, but they can do it with respect and honesty. Those who get mad at you know you are right, that’s why they react the way they do and bend the truth to try and discredit you.
Crystal says
Arch, great article. I agree on all points. Please come to Colorado and run for Governor.
Kathy says
Arch, Thank you for supporting our wonderful President. I appreciate you for your fairness and informing us of things going on in the country. Stay strong
Amy C. says
Arch, thanks for always being honest and never being afraid to speak out and stand up for not only yourself but also the rest of us. I appreciate the perspective you give your followers!!
Greg Knight says
I agree with you !
You speak life & truth. Don’t be discouraged by those who don’t.
Terri says
All excellent points! Great article.
Mark Logan says
Arch – big thank you for being a voice for this segment of the population. No president is perfect, but I am grateful that he supports the freedoms of the LBGT community (and all citizens). Please keep up the great work
Connie Shore says
Arch, your points and feelings are right on target for anyone able to generate their own thought processes. Any person saying a gay person cannot do this or that and be gay is “judging”, which by their own admission is “wrong”. You are who and what you are, no apologies needed. Keep walking your walk and be the wonderful person you are and true to yourself. God and I love you!
Terri says
Arch, we ❤️ you!!!
Karen says
I completely agree with your points Arch. I do not want America to ever become a socialist country and that is where the Dems are headed. Trump had done more for this country than any other President in my lifetime. I will continue to support him and you! I appreciate that you can clearly state your views with facts to support them while maintaining respect for others. I wish people would think for themselves instead of only listening to mainstream media and digesting all they are told there. The truth is so much better!
Suellen Richardson says
Arch, you are a strong voice in a culture gone crazy. Appreciate your views!
Jeff H says
Paul, Roger and Chris A Stewart, You guys are lost in a sea of propaganda. Your sources are lying to you. You have been indoctrinated to believe what the left says is true, but the elite Democrat politicians and the media are “projecting” by accusing Trump and his administration of the exact crimes they themselves are committing. Turn off your TV and MSM and look at real factual news, as to what is happening behind the scenes, on Youtube: X22 Report, SGTreport, And We Know, Amazing Polly, TRUreporting, JustInformedTalk, RedPill78, Black Conservative Patriot, John Mark, InspoNews, James Red Pills America, to name a few. Trump is a brash New Yorker. Get over it! His tweets are his way of talking directly to all Americans, stating the FACTS , which pisses off the Democrats, the left, the liberals, the Socialists, the Communists, the elites like George Soros and all those he backs, as well as MSM and the many millions of blind sheeple eating up what they are told to believe. Check out any live broadcast of a Trump rally in any city on an online network that is unedited and you will see that in November, the Democrat party will be completely destroyed by an epic Trump red tsunami landslide WIN that is going to implode your little uninformed minds.
Arch, I, also as a Christian, Conservative gay man, have the same sentiments and beliefs you do on all of your points. My father, as you know, was COO, CEO and President of several major airlines, was a business acquaintance of Trump’s, said he was a stand-up guy, respected and admired him and hoped he would win in 2016, before dad passed in July 2016. Dad was the most ethical person I have ever known. If he liked Trump, then Trump was vetted. Trump’s employees and everyone who knows him, knows he is a true American Patriot who is fighting for every true American Patriot. The Deep State, most Democrat officials and their minions, the Rothschilds, the CIA, FBI, DOJ, the Elites like Obamas, Clintons, Bushs, Bidens, Pelosis, Kerrys, Schiff, Nadler, Waters, etc are all out to destroy America, destroy the middle class, turn America into a shithole, rob us blind with Foreign Aid theft, illegal book deals and smear, harass, arrest, jail and/or assassinate anyone that gets in their way. We on the right have God on our side. Some on the left think or claim they do, but anyone who advocates for abortion does not understand God or the bible. Period! All of your points are 100% accurate, spot on and very well stated. I so appreciate your representing us free-thinking Conservatives and those of us who are gay Conservatives. Peace, love & prayers ❤️
Rosemarie B says
Jeff H – Excellent!!!
Kimberly says
As always you’ve written another honest & informative article that sheds light on the reality we’re all living today. You’re absolutely the unlikely Conservative, but I’m so glad you don’t fit the narrative created by the Left for what they say those of us on the Right must be. The Left are the only ones with a mold that must be filled. God loves us all & thank you for your bravery & boldness to show us all what free thinking & true tolerance for everyone looks like. You’re an amazing man Arch! ♡
maryshull says
i thought your piece was very honest and eye opening. while not gay i often “sympathize” how sometimes conservatives or the right seem less than welcoming to homosexuality. that is like 75% stereotype/hype but truthfully 25% real. that too isn’t exclusive to us in the right, i’m sure you can find the same stigma in various groups or communities. we should be painted with same brush either politically or sexually nor should we assume those colors don’t blend. thanks.