I was told exactly two years ago by someone who I trust that RBG’s cancer had returned and that she would probably not survive too long. Shortly thereafter it was reported that she fell and broke her ribs. In the past two years, there have been several health scares followed by news stories of her being in perfect health or cancer-free.
The truth is that she has been dying and fighting for her life for the past two years. Her office staff was increased dramatically over the past two years. She had a staff double what an Associate SCOTUS Justice normally will have. She should have retired two years ago and spent this time with her family. The Democrats have created a toxic cutthroat environment when it comes to the courts. She could not be allowed to retire.
The policies the Democrats advocate for taking freedom and liberty away from us the people and empower themselves. They use the excuse of “social justice”, “common-sense gun control”, and “environmental protection”. They have to use shaming and scare tactics to force these policies on people. When that fails their back up plan is the courts. They have to turn the SCOTUS to impose and inflict their policy agenda that nobody wants.
Ted Kennedy in 1987 slandered Judge Bork during the Senate hearings. Joe Biden was the Chair of the Senate Judiciary and knew everything that Ted Kennedy said was a lie. Here is the infamous quote from Ted Kennedy.
“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is—and is often the only—protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy … President Reagan is still our president. But he should not be able to reach out from the muck of Irangate, reach into the muck of Watergate, and impose his reactionary vision of the Constitution on the Supreme Court and the next generation of Americans. No justice would be better than this injustice.”
The hit worked and on October 23, 1987, his nomination was defeated. The term borked a verb was created by columnist William Safire in a column describing the hit the Democrats executed to stop the nomination of Bork. Four years later the nomination of Justice Thomas would result in another infamous hit job by the Democrats.
A young black conservative Justice was a threat to liberal affirmative action orthodoxy that had to be stopped. Fortunately, they failed. The Republican SCOTUS nominees afterward through Justice Gorsuch had rumblings but no major hit job until the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to replace the retiring Justice Kennedy who swung to the left on social issues. He was confirmed after Judge Bork’s nomination was defeated 31 years prior. Borking Bork had been hugely successful by forcing Reagan to nominate a Justice that would vote with the Democrats on social issues. The Democrats had to stop Kavanaugh. They wouldn’t allow their achievement of a swing vote Kennedy to be replaced by a much more reliable conservative. Especially when Justice Ginsburg’s health was in question.
The behavior of the Senate Democrats during the hearings was disgraceful. They were behind the outbursts by protesters during the hearings. They were behind Christine Blasey Ford and the other women who falsely accused Brett Kavanaugh of being a rapist. Senator’s Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Cory Booker Presidential campaign demise were a direct result of their behavior during the hearings.
Mitch McConnell would not entertain Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland during an election year. The left is screaming hypocrisy now. Are they correct? Absolutely not! Here is the reason why. The Republicans were in the minority for both Bill Clinton’s and Barrack Obama’s SCOTUS nominees and they never tried to stop a vote. All four Justices were confirmed by 2/3 of the Senate. This means enough Republicans voted for the nominations to meet the 2/3 threshold.
However, the Republicans pushed back on many of Obama’s lower court nominees. Instead of nominating judges that could receive enough support by Republicans, Obama doubled down. This created many vacancies on the lower courts and Harry Reid to use the nuclear option in 2013, but that was short-lived. The Republicans took control of the Senate in 2015. Mitch McConnell was now the majority leader with a mandate. The nuclear option by the Democrats was one of the reasons the Senate flipped. That is why McConnell would not entertain Obama’s nominations of Merrick Garland. The future of the Federal Judiciary is one of the reasons why President Trump was elected.
The Democrats for 33 years have employed scorched earth tactics with Federal Judiciary nominations requiring confirmation by the Senate. Their tactics created so many vacancies on the lower courts giving Trump the opportunity to fill them and he has. Mitch McConnell and the Senate must confirm President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee before the election.
They have a mandate to do so from the Evangelicals and base that supports President Trump and the Senate Republicans. Again, the future of the Judiciary is a major reason why. The Democrats plan is to drag the results of the Presidential through the courts. The 600 to 800 lawyers all geared up to contest the results of the election. The Supreme Court must have nine justices on Election Day. The Democrats will do anything to take and keep power and that means the Republicans must fight back accordingly.
The situation the Democrats find themselves in is one they created. The left often uses the phrase the chickens have come home to roost to justify their radical activism and violence. Well, their chickens have come home to roost regarding the nomination of Justice Ginsburg’s replacement.
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